Pigment Lightening | $250+

*You must schedule a free consult here before booking a pigment lightning session*

Pigment Lightening is for unsatisfactory permanent make up and small tattoos. We use a safe, high content salt and fruit seed extract solution that deems extremely effective in pigment lightening. The procedure is done just like a tattoo, only we implant the lightning solution instead of pigment. It often takes several sessions to of lighting reach the client's goals.

At your consultation we will go over the procedure in detail, healing time & required aftercare, as well as the clients goals. Session price will also be given at the consult. Estimated costs are below.

Eyebrows | $250+

Eyeliner | $300+

EMERGENCY Lightening | $250 *MUST be performed with in 48 hours of the original procedure. TEXT me to schedule this appointment.

up to 2.5 HOURS | Please read FAQ & Pre/Post Care pages before booking.

Cancellation & Rescheduling Policies: READ HERE BEFORE BOOKING